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Animal Welfare: From Science to Law sont les actes (version en langue anglaise) du colloque « Le Bien-être animal: de la science au droit » organisé par la Fondation Droit Animal, Éthique et Sciences (LFDA) les 10 et 11 décembre 2015 à l’UNESCO. La version française des actes du colloque peut être commandée ici.
Opening speech to the symposium • J.-C. Nouët 5
Introduction • S. Hild 7
What is animal welfare?
I Animal Welfare: A Brief History [PDF] • I.J.H. Duncan 13
II How to access animal sentience? The close relationships between emotions and cognition [PDF] • A. Boissy 21
III Evaluation of animal welfare: the weight of words and the power of numbers [PDF] • I. Veissier & R. Botreau 33
IV Animal sentience: use and abuse of words Semantic and translatological differences between « bien-être » (welfare) and « bientraitance » (good treatment) of animals [PDF] • A. Guillaume 41
V To which animals does animal welfare apply in law and why? [PDF] • T. Auffret van der Kemp 47
Animal welfare as taken into account by law around the world: globalisation and disparities
VI The European Union legislation on animal welfare: state of play, enforcement and future activities [PDF] • D. Simonin & A. Gavinelli 59
VII Legal standards and animal welfare in European countries [PDF] • M. Falaise 71
VIII Why American Animal-Protective Legislation Does Not Always “Stick” and the Path Forward [PDF] • T.L. Bryant & M. Sullivan 77
IX Animal welfare in Central and South America: What is going on? [PDF] • A.P. de Oliveira Souza, L. Oliveira Leite & C. Forte Maiolino Molento 88
X Animal welfare in Africa: strength of cultural traditions, challenges and perspectives [PDF] • D.N. Qekwana, C.M.E. McCrindle, B. Cenci-Goga & Delia Grace 103
XI Animal welfare in Asia: specific flaws and strengths, future trends and objectives [PDF] • Q. Nizamuddin & Sira Abdul Rahman 109
Animal welfare in the face of socio-economic and cultural factors
XII The Costs and Benefits of Animal Welfare
XIII Impact of international trade on ethical norms [PDF] • K. Mercier 123
XIV Is Animal Welfare Better on Smaller Farms? [PDF] • D.M. Weary, J. Robbins, D. Fraser & M.A.G. von Keyserlingk 133
XV Initiatives and achievements by farmers and the livestock sector in favour of animal welfare [PDF] • Jean-Louis Peyraud & Luc Mirabito 141
XVI Consumer information supplements the official (statutory) animal protection efforts in Switzerland [PDF] • Hans-Ulrich Huber & Sara Wehrli 155
Objectives for the future: finding alternatives, overcoming the shortcomings
XVII Legally accepted pain and other poor welfare in animals [PDF] • D.M. Broom 165
XVIII Importance of living environment for the welfare of captive animals: behaviours and enrichment [PDF] • C. Sueur & M. Pelé 175
XIX The French national strategy for animal welfare: 20 priority actions • P. Dehaumont 189
Conclusion to the symposium
Animal welfare, law and ethics • L. Schweitzer 191